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Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1530 Heavy Wet Fly Hook

In the early days of fly tying and fly-fishing, “wet flies” were king. Dry flies and nymphs today are more popular, but wet flies, which are fished subsurface, are still...
$ 7.70
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1760 Nymph Hooks - Bronze

Round bend, down-eye, 2x-heavy wire, 2x-long, curved shank, forged. Uses: Flies for steelhead, salmon and large trout. Each package contains 25 hooks.
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1550 Nymph Hooks - Bronze

This is the traditional “wet fly” hook. Wet flies are time honored, successful, subsurface patterns. (see 1530) These hooks feature a more gradual curve of the wire in the transition...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1560 Nymph Hooks - Bronze

1X-long hooks are about “one eye length” longer than standard shank length. They are used for slightly longer wet flies, which give them a “truer to nature” dimension, considering that...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1730 Stonefly Nymph Hooks - Bronze

This hook was specifically designed to enhance the “natural appearance” of stonefly nymph fly patterns. In older fly tying recipes, tiers were often instructed to bend the hook shank of...
$ 7.90
Daiichi MerchandiseFly Tying Materials & Tools

Daiichi 1770 Swimming Nymph Hooks - Bronze

In the mid 1980’s, Daiichi introduced this “swimming nymph” hook to form the foundation for swimming mayfly nymph artificials, and for flies imitating leeches or worms. The gentle “s” curve...
$ 7.90