Materials List:
Hook: Daiichi 2220 sz 2-4
Tail: Wooly Bugger Marabou Olive, black crystal flash
Body: Olive Polar Chenille
Throat: Orange Finn Ra coon
Collar: Mallard Flank Natural
Rubber Legs Olive
Mirage Flashabou Opal/Copper Blend
Tie in Marabou Tail with 3-5 strands Crystal flash on each side.
Tie In Polar Chenille.(sorry but lost a couple photos)
Wrap polar chenille forward leaving roughly 1/4 inch of space to hook eye.
Tie in small clump of orange Finn raccoon for throat to give contrast.

Tie in Mallard flank at tip, palmer forward.
Tie off mallard flank.
Tie in 4 rubber legs, two legs each side about 45 degrees off center each side top of hook.
Tie in at center on top of hook Med size clump, about 8-14 strands flashabou.
Fold back flashabou laying forward and tie off. Starting to look good.
One small to med size clump olive sculpin wool tied in at on far side of hook again about 45 degrees off center.
Tie in second clump on near side 45 degrees off center.
Pull back sculpin wool evenly around hook eye and tie off and whip finish.
Yes, it's supposed to look like this. Using sharp scissors and using hook eye as a guide trim sculpin wool to triangle tapered head. Take small cuts as it is easy to cut more but hard to put back on.
What the finished head should look like.
Tell me they aren't gonna destroy that. I call it the Goblin because it's both a sculpin and Goby imitation which makes it doubly effective. Steelhead, brown trout, and smallmouth go crazy over this one. Good luck and i hope no one is swinging this one ahead of you.